Those were the words of Grillbillie Matt on New Year’s Eve 2011. I took his words to heart. The next day I started tearing up the linoleum and luan plywood flooring in my kitchen, hall, and downstairs bathroom. One year later, these remodeled areas reveal my limits of things I’d never attempt to do (electricity), things I can do (demolition, design, drilling, leveling, sawing, painting, pneumatic nailing, caulking), should improve doing (sanding wood, miter cutting, spackling drywall), and what I probably shouldn’t do (plumbing).

This is beautiful!!!! Are the paintings in the cabinets paintings you have done? This is very nice and unique!!! I like this!!! If you are ever looking to redo another floor, just give me a call. I have a linoleum floor now and need to replace the linoleum.
I’ll gladly loan my crowbar — you could push through any demolition comfort zones that are holding you back from having the floor of your dreams! The cabinets were a big experiment — I spray-painted white over bamboo designs cut out of frisket and affixed to sheets of lexan — then the frisket was peeled off. It seemed the best solution to reflect the light which adds interest to the bamboo garden design. And that lexan plastic is bullet proof, so my dishes are very safe!